Grain Milling in Canada
Canada has approximately 55 commercial wheat and oat mills situated from Pacific to Atlantic coasts.
Commercial scale wheat and oat mills operate in 8 of Canada’s 13 provinces and territories. Total milling capacity is shared about equally between eastern and western Canada. The majority of wheat milling capacity is in the east in close proximity to larger urban centres. The majority of oat milling capacity is situated in the Prairie provinces.
Canadian mills grind over 3.8 million tonnes of wheat, oats, rye, barley and other grains each year.
Canadian mills grind over 3.8 million tonnes of wheat, oats, rye, barley and other grains each year.
Canadian mills export wheat flour, semolina and other milled grain products to over 30 countries.
Canadian milling companies have free trade access to all of Canada, the United States and Mexico under the terms of the North American Free Trade Agreement. Although the United States is Canada’s largest export market for milled grain products, over 30 countries import wheat flour and other milled grain products from Canada each year.
Canadian mills use state-of-the-art milling methods and technology
Capital investment in Canadian grain milling facilities is approximately $1.5 billion. 20% of Canada’s grain mills are less than 15 years old.